Idag hittade jag några otroliga maneter i havet. Jag som är van vid helt vanliga blåmaneter eller brännmaneter blev helt hänförd av dessa lysande små varelser. Som stjärnor i vattnet!
Kära Universum
Igår fick jag äntligen fota stjärnorna! Sådär på riktigt ute i mörkret. Långt bort från alla stadslampor och lägenhetsljus. Ute vid havet. Jag har aldrig gett mig in för att fota natthimlen förr, vilket egentligen är konstigt eftersom jag älskar stjärnorna så! Men nu stod jag ute i mer än en timme och provade mig fram. Jag hade kameran på stativ och använde Bulb-läget för att själv kunna avgöra hur länge slutaren skulle vara öppen. Jag hade en fjärrkontroll för att slippa röra kameran. De bästa bilderna tycker jag blev dem där man också ser lite landskap och horisont. Jag tror att det gör att man relaterar mer till alla ljusprickarna, och känner sig som en del i helheten.
Jag har alltid haft en speciell relation till Universum. Nästan som en kompis. När jag stod där och tryckte på fjärrkontrollen och huttrade av kyla, passade jag på att blåsa ut små önskningar till stjärnorna. Sådär har jag hållit på sedan jag var liten. Man vet ju aldrig 😉
Morgonkaffe och bildletande
Hej vänner!
Klockan är sex på morgonen. Jag sitter vid skrivbordet i mitt arbetsrum. Det är mörkt utanför fönstret. Jag kikade just efter stjärnor men som så ofta i Göteborg är det molnigt. Ett tänt ljus står bredvid mig och min rosa muminmugg är fylld ända upp till kanten med kaffe. Nybryggt kaffe på morgonen är det bästa!
Jag ska iväg till skolan lite senare, men jag ställde klockan tidigare för att hinna jobba lite på min och Victorias videokurs för Moderskeppet. Den ska bli klar nu i dagarna och Josefina som klipper kursen behöver lite sista bilder för att kunna lägga in i de olika kursavsnitten. Så nu ska jag leta rätt på lite behind-the-scenes bilder och annat som kan vara kul och användbart. Men det här med att leta efter bilder på olika hårddiskar och ändra storlek på allihop, det är rätt så tidskrävande och enformigt. Så därför sitter jag och bloggar nu istället som den invanda uppskjutaren jag är 🙂
Hoppas ni får en fin dag!
Bild från fantastiska naturreservatet Sandsjöbacka där jag var igår för att fotografera. Jag älskar denna plats!
A collection of behind the scenes-photos
I love to see photos of other photographers in action, so I´ve always tried to photograph myself while I´m photographing, or make someone else photograph me in action. Here are some images that I´ve shot during the years. These are shot between somewhere 2012-2015. I have lots of more so trust me, there will be more of these 🙂
To be continued!
Wonder of nature
This past week, I´ve had some absolutely wonderful days spent in nature. I shot these images two days ago, when the sun was spreading gold all over the fields. To be able to combine photography and nature makes me so happy. I love spending time outside, breathing fresh air and looking at all the beauty through the lens! Yesterday evening I was out to photograph, this morning before school I also went out to photograph, and I just came back after shooting this evening. Feeling the passion for photography coming back to me, flowing through me after months without it, feels like starting to breath again.
The importance of improvising
When I edit, I try to challenge myself. When I shot this picture I had a different editing in mind, but when I started editing my vision didn´t suit the actual image. In my mind I had pictured a blue and green image, but these colors didn´t look good to me when I tried them. So instead I made the whole image warm and yellowish, and I changed the color of my dress to green instead of blue.
My advice for when you´re editing is that you let the image ”speak” for itself. Maybe you had a vision in mind, but it´s important to be open to change while editing. For me, the image often turns out different than I had planned. I believe that it´s important to be open minded in the creative process, both when you´re shooting out on the field and when you´re inside, editing. So many exciting things can happen in the process, and you don´t want to miss that! I often go out with a plan when I shoot. I start with photographing the planned image. But then I also improvise, both with positioning and different angles. Sometimes the best comes out of the improvised images, and sometimes the best comes out of the first, strictly planned image. You never know!
If I could talk to trees
Unedited image.
Happy Coffee Day!
If I could talk to trees
Yesterday evening I looked outside and saw that magical light that I love. The sun was going down and everything was blue and pale and magical. I went outside to the park nearby to shoot in the last light of the day. I have been thinking about this spot for so long, because the trees are so beautiful and romantic!
This image was shot when the light was almost gone. If you shoot during blue hour, when the sun is gone, you don´t have long until it will be too dark to photograph; after this image it was impossible to continue the shooting.
Imitation game
A couple of months ago I had a magical day in nature. I spent the weekend at my parents house in the country, and I felt a rush of inspiration. I decided to find dead and dry things in nature, making up a story of someone trying to imitate the dried up trees and blend in. Becoming one with the dead nature, maybe giving it new life. This wasn´t planned at all, and I truly love that feeling when you create in the moment and don´t have any expectations on the final result!
As you may know if you follow me on facebook, I´ve had a hard year with my creativity. The art school that I went to managed to take away all my inspiration and I haven´t had much passion left for photography this year. That´s why this shoot was so important for me, because in that moment I felt the love for my passion come back, and it made me so so happy.
I finally left school in June this year, and I´m actually starting to feel the passion come back to me, slowly, filling me with energy and happiness to be alive. But it´s still very fragile, so I won´t talk about it too much yet 😉
This image was expanded to a square frame. I shot some extra images of the surrounding to be able to expand it later in photoshop.
In the image above you see how I moved the camera a little bit to the left (left image) in order to get a photo of the surroundings to expand later.
Trying to get the camera to work 😀
Always take some extra shots of yourself smiling to the camera 😉
My first solo exhibition!
Here are some mobile images from my first solo exhibition in May this year! It was a big deal for me to have a solo exhibition, and a lot more work than I thought. But I believe that when you´ve done it a first time, the second will be a bit easier (I hope!). Having a solo exhibition is different than a group exhibition. You´re responsible for the whole experience, and not just your part of the exhibition. You can´t just pick your favoruite pictures, you have to think of how everything will look together. I hope to do more exhibitions in the future! So far I´ve sold three images from the show and I´m so happy about that!
Me and Victoria mirroring ourselves in my art!
Both me and Victoria modeled for this photo with the title ”Gränsland”.
My series Finding Peace. This year I´ve sold two of these images!
The exhibition took place at Kulturhuset Kåken in Gothenburg, and I was so happy when they asked me to exhibit!
Photo: Victoria Söderström
It´s me you see wandering around looking all deep 😉