Lots of time and golden leaves

I started the day with coffee in my studio. It´s incredible beautiful outside my window right now. The ground in our yard gets more and more covered with leaves. The autumn is extremely beautiful, and it´s my favourite season. I love to pick up fallen leaves and put them in a glass of water. I want to bring the autumn in to my home.


Idag började jag dagen med kaffe i min studio. Det är otroligt vackert utanför fönstret just nu. Marken på vår innergård täcks mer och mer med löv. Löven faller utanför fönstret, jag går på långa promenader i Slottsskogen och njuter av alla explosiva färger. Hösten är så bländande vacker, och min absoluta favoritårstid. Jag plockar med mig fallna löv och sätter dem i ett glas med vatten. Jag vill ha hösten med mig även inne. 

Right now, the time is on my side. After the weekend I´ve been able to be at home, working and organizing my studio. We moved to this place in May this year, and we didn´t really settle down until after the summer. Despite that I´m so happy for this room. To have a room of ones own, full of things that inspire me, my camera equipment and all my dresses and prop, that´s truly amazing! I´ve felt for a long time that I need a studio. When I´m in here I know what to focus on. In here, it´s my universe, my rules.

Just nu har jag tiden på min sida. Sedan helgen har jag kunnat vara hemma och jobba och fixa i ordning i min studio. Vi flyttade ju hit i maj i år, och kom i ordning förts efter sommaren. Trots det är jag så glad för detta rum. Att ha ett eget rum att krypa in i, fyllt med saker som inspirerar mig, min kamerautrustning och alla mina klänningar och min rekvisita, det är helt fantastiskt! Jag har känt länge att jag behöver ett eget arbetsrum. När jag är här inne vet jag vad jag ska fokusera på. Här inne är det mitt universum, mina regler som gäller. 

Words of wisdom

”I was not looking for my dreams to interpret my life,

but rather for my life to interpret my dreams.”

I love little words of wisdom! I´ve decided that I want to start sharing some of these on my blog. For at least 20 years I´ve been collecting tiny, gold shimmering books filled with wise thoughts from philosophers, authors and scientists. Many might feel that it´s a bit cliché. We hear a lot of quotes and tips from coaches, magazines and television. It´s easy to reject something that you´ve been told many times; we often don´t feel motivated to actually understand it if we haven´t looked it up ourselves. There´s a lot of wisdom behind a quote like ”Seize the day” but when it´s repeated constantly it looses its effect. It may take half a life time to actuallty understand the true meaning of a quote like that. Sometimes I get to the point where I feel I finally understand what a special quote means. I might have understood it intellectually before, but it hasn´t affected me in a true way. It´s often a certain period in my life leading to this, something that makes me think about certain things, making me think about some quotes. Even though I might have heard a quote as long as I can remember, I had to understand it in my own, unique way. We all have to find our own truth.

Today I choose a beautiful quote by the author Susan Sontag. Like art, I believe there´s not a right way of reading a quote. I put my own experiences into this when I´m reading it, and I like it because I´m me. What makes you stop and think for a while could be something completely different!

Photo from yesterdays autumn walk.


Jag älskar visdomsord! Jag har bestämt mig för att börja dela några av dem här på bloggen. Jag har i minst tjugo år samlat på små guldskimrande böcker fulla med visa tankar från filosofer, författare och vetenskapskvinnor och män. Många kan nog uppleva det som klyschigt, och jag tror att det blir klyschigt om man bara läser det snabbt utan att ta till sig vad det verkligen handlar om. Bakom ett citat som ”Fånga dagen” ligger så otroligt mycket visdom, men när man har hört det upprepade gånger kan det bli lätt att avfärda. Det kan ta minst ett halvt liv att verkligen förstå innebörden i ett sådant citat. Jag upplever titt som tätt att jag äntligen förstår vad ett visdomsord betyder. Det är ofta saker i livet som leder fram till att jag börjar tänka kring vissa saker, som sedan gör att jag börjar tänka kring vissa citat. Fastän jag kanske har hört det så länge jag kan minnas, har jag varit tvungen att hitta fram till min egen förståelse av det. Vi måste alla hitta fram till vår egen sanning.

Idag valde jag ett vackert citat av författaren Susan Sontag. Precis som med konst, tänker jag att det inte finns ett rätt sätt att läsa ett citat på. Jag lägger mina erfarenheter i detta citatet, och blir tilltalad av det just för att jag är jag. Vad du fastnar för kan ju vara någonting helt annat!

Foto från gårdagens underbara höstpromenad.

New coffee maker!

Yesterday I found the worlds most beautiful coffee brewer! I have to confess that this is the second coffee brewer that I´ve bought this autumn. I work a lot at home, and spend huge amounts of time reflecting, recovering and studying, and a simple coffee brewer can make me childishly happy. A good coffee brewer and a beautiful coffee cup makes my mornings extra good. I felt that this one was so creative that I couldn´t resist. And it was on sale 😉

Otherwise I´m simply walking around in my slippers today. I´m full of thoughts these days. I think about the future: economy, family, living, dreams etc. I´ve realized that you always have to sacrifice something. To feel safe you may have to sacrifice part of your freedom. To be free you have to be brave, and be able to stand the unsecurity of not knowing where the money will come from next month. Right now I´m not entirely sure of what I want. I´m thinking that I´m 29 years old and that I should know by now. I´m thinking that I´m in that kind of age when people have everything settled. But luckily I´m reading The Tao of Pooh, and Pooh believes that things don´t necessarily have to be one way or another. The most important thing is right now, and how we feel in the moment. I´ve started to get interested in Taoism, and I believe that I can learn so much from it. This book is the first step towards learning more. But I´m still far away from Pooh, I am!

Coffee in my favorite cup, brewn in my new coffee maker 😀

Elephant notebook

I bought a lovely notebook a couple of weeks ago at the Göteborg Book Fair. I work every year at the Book Fair, selling magazines, but unfortunately I often feel too tired when I´m done for the day to walk around and see the whole space. This year I decided to walk around looking at some things, and I stopped at a table covered with these amazing notebooks. I bought a book and a beautiful card. I always carry a notebook, and I use it for many different things: diary, writing poetry, to-do-lists, sketches for future photographs, quotes etc. I use many in one year, and I´m extra happy when I find one this beautiful! The most important for me is that it´s a soft cover (easy to carry around) and blank pages. I feel terribly trapped when I´m forced to write on lines!

Design J Falkengren, Little Trip.

On solitude

When I grew up I loved to sit in my room, play the piano, read, write, draw. Sometimes I played with friends. I had friends. But I didn´t have a strong need to be with them. I liked people. I liked my friends. And I loved myself. I could be with myself for a long time without missing friends. Two months during summer, my family spent time in our summer house in the country. I mostly spent time with family. I never missed friends. I had my brother. He was my friend. And I had myself. I was my own playmate, and I didn´t have a hard time coming up with things to do. As the years passed by, I started to get more and more involved in other peoples lives. I started to actually like the idea of friends, and I started to like being with friends more than I had before. As a young adult, I found some really great friends. During a couple of years, I spent a lot of time with them, going out in bars, meeting in cafés, even living together. But I noticed a difference between me and other people. When other people wanted to hang out the whole day, I was satisfied after two hours and wanted to go home. When other people said that they didn´t know what to do and wanted to hang out, I never fully understood this feeling. I´ve always needed much time alone. To charge my batteries. To think. To be creative. I always have something that I want to do. Something that demands my time and full focus. I never get restless.

When my phone rings, I feel stress. I have never liked the sound of a phone ringing. So often, I am focused on something that I´m doing at home, and I feel disturbed by the signal of my phone. If I´m outside, working or meeting someone, it´s much easier. It´s as if I can switch something to on and off. If my social switch is set to off, it can be hard to answer the phone. Many times I let it ring and hope that the person will send me a text message instead. If I´m in my social mode, it feels easy to answer the phone. Most often, I´m not in my social mode. This has led to conflict with some people who feel offended by my need to withdraw and charge my batteries alone.

For a long time, I felt that it was something wrong with me. Therefore, I tried very hard to be ”correct”. I answered my phone all the time, and I tried to be ”a good friend”. I was afraid that other people would be mad at me, angry at me for acting the ”wrong” way and not being as a friend ”should” be. This feeling is so sad, because to me a true friendship is built on love, and if you love someone you often try hard to understand each other. This is a big part of my personality. I can´t hide that I love spending time with myself, and I can´t help that I feel tired after meeting people and that I maybe want the rest of the week to be still and quiet.

When I found my true passion, I started to accept this side of my personality and understand it more. I realized that I´m drawn to a profession where I can work on my own, because that´s what I love to do. I´ve never been a fan of working in groups. I have never felt the need to have a job in order to belong to a group. When I found my passion, it became even more important to take the time to create. I could no longer hang out with friends as much as I had done. Now I needed the time to take photographs, edit them and post them to the internet. For some reason, it felt easier to explain to other people what I was doing since I found photography. Now I had a very clear reason for needing time alone- I needed to work on my photography. But everything is a balance. I still need my friends. I have always needed them. To me, it´s so easy to step into the inner world and the world of creativity and imagination, that I need to drag myself out of there, force myself to get out into the world and meet people. Solitude can turn into isolation,  at least if you´re similar to my personality. This is something that I struggle with. I´ve made many pictures about this: Serenade for solitude, and my whole series Finding Peace, in which I use a bubble to symbolize integrity and isolation.

We live in a society that wants us to be outgoing and active. I´m not socially awkward, I find it easy to talk to people. I love meeting people and hearing their stories! But I have a strong need to be still, get time to think and work on my own. Sometimes I´ve felt that I should spend more time with friends and less time in my own world. That I should arrange big dinners for ten people and have parties. But I know that I wouldn´t feel whole as a person if I didn´t listen to my inner voice that tells me to create. It´s so important to accept who you are, and the first step towards acceptance is by understanding who you are and how you work. It´s nothing wrong with needing time for yourself. Lately, I´ve also read several articles and books on this topic. If you´re interested in this topic, you should read the book ”Quiet- The power of introverts” by Susan Cain. She talks about introverts and extroverts. Introverts gain power by being alone (as I do) and extroverts gain power by meeting other people. Introverts like best to meet one friend at  a time, talking about deep stuff (me!) and extroverts like more to hang out with lots of friends. Most people are a little bit of both, and so am I (I love parties!) but I found it extremely helpful to read about this stuff and to get a better understanding for myself.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Maybe you have a friend like me, or you are just like me? Write a comment and share what you think!

En lördag i stan


Här är lite bilder från en härlig helgdag för ca två veckor sedan. Jag och Tomas strosade runt i sol i Göteborg, fotade varandra på gatan (bilderna på mig är tagna av Tomas) och kisade mot ljuset. Som ni kan se tog jag till och med på mig mina solglasögon denna vårdag till ära! Vi avlsutade med lite kaffe på Espresso House. Fika är som bekant något av det bästa jag vet 🙂

Just nu har vi portfolioprojekt i skolan. Ett krav är att vi ska ta ca 10 nya bilder som ska ingå i vår portfolio. Så jag sitter hemma och redigerar bilder och ritar idéer i min anteckningsbok. 10 bilder på två, tre veckor är ingen långsam takt; definitivt inte när man skapar bilder på det sätt som jag gör. Men det är bara att tuta och köra!


Sitter och väntar på en vän på Starbucks. Vädret är mulet, skönt och varmt. Staden ligger inbäddad under de mjuka molnen. Min första dag på projektveckorna har börjat. Vi har tre veckor på oss att fota samt sätta ihop en portfolio. Men jag känner just nu mest för att åka ut till landet och vira en filt runt mig. Sitta ute i de friska vårvindarna och se havet skifta färg.


I helgen har jag vilat ut, fikat i timmar på Espresso House, spelat musik med Tomas, kollat på saker i en affär, tittat på melodifestivalen, tagit med min kamera ut i vårsolen för att fota, njutit av vädret, promenerat med Tomas och till och med haft på mig mina solglasögon!

Ikväll såg jag den nya filmen Cloud Atlas på bio. Spännande film och livets resa.

Bilder från mobilen. Jag hoppas att ni haft en fin helg!

Det känns som vår

Jag sitter på ett café i Jönköping. Ensam med två tunga väskor och en dator. Bussen hem till Göteborg går om två timmar. Ute lyser solen. Det känns som vår.

Det känns som vår och jag vilar mina ögon på min framtid. Vad kommer att hända? Att jag inte listat ut det än! Jag fyller 28 år i sommar. Jag tycker själv att jag börjat bli gammal. Att jag irrat runt i många år med osäkerhet och tvivel. Känt av mina drömmar som otydliga figurer i periferin. Men ingenting att ta på, ingenting konkret.

Nu är det annorlunda. Nu vet jag vad jag vill. Vart jag ska, vem jag är, hur jag är. Vad jag behöver. Vad jag kan och vad jag inte är så bra på. Nu ska jag hem till Göteborg i tre veckor för att jobba med en portfolio. Skolan närmar sig slutet, som så många gånger förr.

Kan du höra mig?

de sa han gick bort sig i mörkret

de sa han tappa förståndet

det kunde lika gärna varit jag

det kunde lika gärna varit du

/Petra Marklund, Förlorad värld

Nu är jag hemma i Göteborg. Jag sitter på Condeco. Jag har en Att-göra-lista. Men saker är svårt att avverka när livet flyger runt som en ivrig fågel just framför mig. Idag har jag dansat i mitt vardagsrum och lyssnat på massor av musik. Jag är hemma från Jönköping för att ägna mig åt eget arbete i en månad. Vår klass har praktik under hela november, men jag har utformat min praktik lite annorlunda, vilket innebär att jag behöver vara strukturerad och jobba själv.

Men jag har faktiskt inte problem med disciplinen vad gäller att arbeta själv. Mitt problem är snarare det omvända: Jag behöver disciplin för att inte hela tiden arbeta med mina bilder. Hela detta året har varit en prövning för mig då jag tvingats hålla mig borta fotograferandet under perioder pga problem med mina armar. Om inget annat fanns skulle jag sitta alltid i min värld och skapa mina bilder.

Bilderna ovan tog jag för en vecka sedan då jag och Tomas åkte till landet. Det var starkt månsken ute så jag satte kamerans slutare till 1 sekund och gick utanför huset för att fota.